#4FutureReferences : Foolproof Kek Gula Hangus @ Sarang Semut!!!


Today is Friday and my heart feels very heavy. I do not want to go back Ipoh because I want to stay at home with my mom and dad๐Ÿ˜ญ. I do not mind doing house chores all day everyday as long as I can help my parents and take care of their food. Yes, I highlighted food here because food is super important to me. Food makes my tummy happy, happy tummy, happy me! ๐Ÿ˜‹However, I knew my parents will be super busy that when they got home they were too tired to prepare proper meal.Ya Allah, grant me, my sisters and everyone rizq of time, energy and money hehe so that we can help ease our parents as much as we can.

So, I decided to do some on-the-go food that my parents can snack on. You know that feeling even when you are full eating nasi with lauk but you still rasa tak puas. You feel like snacking on something especially in the evening. I made this Kek Gula Hangus or also known as Kek Sarang Semut. I felt intimidated at first because this cake got that signature 'holes' inside them.
Tadaa. Alhamdulillah, it works! Thanks to the recipe from Che Mat Gebu. I made this cake to keep in fridge for later when I am not home but my parents loveee the cake so much. So, this cake did not last long, only for few days. I was thinking to make another one and this time really gotta save it for later ๐Ÿ˜œ. This cake reminded us of Bika Ambon. My sister, Anis once brought home Bika Ambon originally from Indonesia back then. But it was long long time ago, I forgot the taste already but my parents said this cake tastes like those Bika Ambon. This cake is chewy and not so sweet. I realize that this cake tastes better after days.
Kek Sarang Semut
Loyang 8x3"


200gm gula pasir 
300ml air panas
100gm tepung gandum
100gm tepung ubi
70gm mentega atau majerin, cairkan dan sejukkan
80gm susu pekat manis
4 biji telur gred A
3/4 sudu teh soda bikarbonat
1/2 sudu teh baking powder
1 sudu teh esen vanila

Cara-cara :

1. Masukkan gula pasir ke dalam periuk, masak dengan api sederhana sehingga gula cair dan bertukar menjadi gula hangus atau karamel bewarna keperangan. Masukkan sedikit demi sedikit, kacau rata dan biarkan mendidih sekejap. Matikan api dan sejukkan gula hangus tadi.

2. Panaskan oven 190C,gunakan api bawah sahaja. Sediakan loyang, gris dengan mentega dan tabur tepung pada seluruh bahagian loyang. Ketuk keluar lebihan tepung. Ketepikan.

3. Masukkan air gula hangus ke dalam mangkuk pengadun, masukkan susu pekat dan telur sebiji demi sebiji. Kacau menggunakan whisk sehingga sebati. 

4. Masukkan tepung gandum dan tepung ubi yang telah diayak sedikit demi sedikit. Kacau lagi sehingga adunan tidak lagi berketul.

5. Masukkan baking soda dan baking powder. Kacau rata.

6. Masukkan pula mentega yang telah dicairkan dan esen vanila. Kacau lagi sampai sebati.

7. Tapiskan adunan ke dalam loyang dan bakar selama 1 jam.

8. Dah masak, keluarkan dari oven dan terus keluarkan kek dari loyang. Sejukkan atas redai baru potong.
NOTE: To prepare the caramel, I did not stir using wooden spoon or anything. Just 'gelekkan' the periuk only ๐Ÿ˜†. After adding the hot water also. For reference, this is the color of caramel you are looking for. When the sugar turns into this color, add hot water. Remember that the caramel will further caramelised in the oven!! At first I thought the color of you caramel is the color of your cake later when it is done, but I was wrong. It will get darker in the oven later so do not burnt your sugar!!
Another side note, put the cake on second lower rack. Not on the last lower rack because if not the cake will develop crust. Tak sedappp sebab dah la hangit pastu keras nanti. I wanted to try put on the middle rack next time heheh.
That is all. Before I got back to Ipoh this Sunday, I want to make as much cakes as possible and wrap them tight with cling film for my parents. Ya Allah, please take care of my parents, sisters and my loved ones. Make them happy and andd make us all strong to be apart. Make it short, Ya Allah, gather us again soon, I miss annoying my sisters soo much. Please, Ya Allah The Kind One ๐Ÿ’—.

Bye!!!!!! Take care everyone. Dont forget to show and reminds your loved one that you love them sooo much ๐Ÿ’–. xoxo


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