I am having my three months semester break which started last week hee. I am soo going to use these free time to try different recipes and improve my skills. My sister, Aliana even bought a new stand mixer for me 😍. I have been making bread and pau every single day since the kneading process is such a breeze! It only took me 7 minutes to reach window pane stage with this new mixer. Alhamdulillah and thank you Alley!! mwahh 😋
So, today I am going to keep my go-to pau recipe that I have been making for four days in a row 😅. Ayah lovee pau so much. Before this, Ayah used to buy pau kacang merah every single morning and everytime he ate those pau he will ask me if I can make wholemeal pau for him. He prefers wholemeal pau compared to the normal white pau but there is no one selling them 😂. So, here I am.
Resepi Pau Wholemeal Kacang Merah
This recipe yields 13 (40g) paus
250g tepung pau
25g tepung wholemeal
1/2 sudu teh double action baking powder
1/2 sudu teh yis segera
1/4 cawan gula - I used 2 tablespoon of sugar + 1 tablespoon of sweetened condensed milk
2 sudu besar (30ml) minyak masak
1/2 cawan + 2 sudu besar air
Inti ikut kesukaan andaa - I used store-bought red bean filling
1. Satukan semua bahan di dalam mangkuk pengadun dan uli sehingga menjadi doh yang elastik selama 7-8 minit.
2. Bahagikan doh kepada 13 bahagian (berat setiap satu bahagian ialah 40g).
3. Bulat-bulatkan doh dan rehatkan selama 10-15 minit.
4. Setelah direhatkan, masukkan inti dan bulatkan semula untuk membentuk pau. Lapik dengan cupcake liner.
5. Tutup dengan kain lembap dan rehatkan lagi sehingga kembang selama kurang lebih 1 jam bergantung kepada suhu ruang.
6. Panaskan kukusan dan kukus pau selama 15 minit dengan api kuat. Selesai mengukus, biarkan pau di dalam pengukus selama 15 minit sebelum dikeluarkan.
I need to find a new steamer lah because water was dripping onto my paus even when I have covered the lid with cloth hmmm 😑. Regardless, I still love this pau recipe. It stays soft even when cooled and you do not need to reheat the pau pun. I made this pau before bed and my parents ate them for breakfast, lunch and dinner the day after. The pau is still soft! Hihi.
That is it for now.
Bye!! xoxo
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