#4FutureReferences : Easy Kek Lapis Sarawak

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha, everyone!! Yeay! Alhamdulillah this year, Wan did korban. Today was fun and I am all binged and soaked with great memories with my cousins. I wish I can stop time so that my cousins stay small and cheerful like that. Perk of being the youngest. Haha.
This time around, we do not have any kuih raya at all since we are celebrating Hari Raya Korban at rumah Wan Ayah. But, I just do not feel right. So, I decided to whip a batch of this layer cake. Since we are not making any other kuih raya,we have many many time to focus layering a cake. Hehe.
This specific Sarawak layer cake recipe is truly awesome. I have been planning to make layer cake for so long but often postponed because I am intimidated and somewhat scared of the amount of egg yolks and the overall ingredient, really. Super glad that I found this easy and simple layer cake recipe at Hanieliza's Cooking. Yeay, thank you for sharing!!
Kek Lapis Sarawak
adapted from here

Bahan A
250 g mentega
250 g susu pekat manis

Bahan B
6 biji telur gred A 
1 cawan gula halus
2 cawan tepung naik sendiri
1 sudu besar rempah kek *optional
1 sudu kecil esen vanila
1 sudu kecil ovallete

Bahan C
prune/asam haw flakes/jam

Cara penyediaan :-

1. Pukul telur dan gula halus sehingga kembang dan gebu. Ketepikan.
2. Dalam mangkuk asing, pukul mentega dan susu pekat manis sehingga gebu.
3. Gabungkan adunan telur dan mentega.
4. Masukkan ovallete dan esen vanilla dan pukul lagi sehingga sebati.
5. Masukkan tepung dan rempah kek sedikit demi sedikit. Pukul sehingga rata.
6. Panaskan oven 170C api atas dan bawah.
7. Masukkan 2 sudu besar adunan ke dalam loyang 8x8 yang digris dan dilapikkan dengan baking paper.
8.  Bakar selama 7 minit.
9. Ulang melapis sampai adunan habis dengan api atas sahaja.
10. dekat lapisan ketiga boleh letak prune/asam flakes atau sapukan jam.

Bye! 😚


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