#Travel : Penang + Random Stuffs


Greetings people. Alhamdulillah last late September, I settled in Ipoh to pursue my degree. So far so good, lecturers and of course fellow seniors are super nice. Most of the lecturers come from India but different part of India. There is one that I remember is Kashmir because growing up watching Hindustans movies I always wanted to visit Kashmir because it is beautiful!!
Me, mama and ayah on registration day. Yeayy, mama ayah jangan rindu saya huhu 👧. It was quite different this time because I need to start things all over. Make new friends since all of my foundation friends went to other Unikl campuses and also UMT, huhu. 

A week before, we went to Penang. Originally just to send Aliana off to airport since she finished her midsem break. This is definitely a short trip as we only spent 1 day there. Visiting Penang Hill and Penang Botanical Garden.
Botanical Garden Trip was awesome. So many things to explore there, big big garden too.In fact, when we were there, there was a newlywed taking wedding photo. Lawaaa goals gitchew haha.
got air terjun too. Tapi macam takde orang mandi pun entah kenapa.Haha.elok je tngok air tu. Ayokk.

Next, Penang Hill. Penang Hill and the Botanical Garden is just few kilometers away. If I am not mistaken, there is also a trail if you are adventurous enough to hike from Botanical Garden to Penang Hill. To reach Penang Hill, we need to take a train, the ticket costs RM10 for adults and RM5 for kids and this is for a normal lane.

There are two types of ticket, fast lane and normal lane. Fast lane, you do not need to wait and queue for a long time 😭 like we did. 
Seeee. The long lane is normal lane where the empty lane is obviously fast lane.So, if you are impatient and have issues of waiting as if you bring your atok and wan, you are highly recommended to buy a fast lane ticket. huhu. To buy the ticket, you can either walk in or buy online. ( BUT, for online tickets you need to buy the ticket at least one day ahead.) Visit here to see the pricing yourself or buy ticket online!
It was super fun! My favourite part is of course riding the train. Haha. Sekali sekala try train lain pulak asyik ets dengan mrt ja kan. Ala2 roller coaster la jugak tapi roller coaster yang tummy-friendly. Haha tak kecut pun perut tu naik train ni. Haha
Best! Both adults and kids can enjoy.
Going up to Penang Hill, you basically enjoying the scenery. There is cafe, mosque and few things you can see such as 3D musuem, those fences where people (read:lovebirds) put padlocks and few others.
Okay thats it. Dont worry about your car, you can park at the provided car park like you would at the shopping mall. Overall, okay la kalau nak jalan jalan dengan member (read:kekasih hati kalau ada apa salahnya tapi at your own risk. haha) lepak lepak kosong. Remember to bring enough snacks/food to munch on along the way sebab banyak jalan kan. 



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