#4FutureReferences : Kek Pisang


Henlo people, happy happy me going through semester break. Hihi. As usual, in my case, staying at home is way busier than staying at hostel. Hehe. That explains why when at home, I normally go MIA. Seriously though, every single time I am about to play games, mama will give me many many task without fail. Hahaha. 
First semester break yeayy!!! I am so not ready for second semester and do not want to be ready. PBL on every week. 😭 I am dead inside send help please. Whatever it is I need to enjoy this holidays first. Ayah is so sweet that he never look back to store-bought banana cake anymore. Hehe. His girl banana cake only, if not no banana cake then. 
Hehe. I found this recipe on Instagram. Super easy and foolproof. Thank you rosehayatie_kitchen!
Resepi Kek Pisang
source : rosehayatie_kitchen

bahan-bahan :-
5 biji pisang lemak manis (hiris nipis dan lenyek)
1 cawan gula pasir
1 cawan minyak masak
4 biji telur gred A
1 1/2 cawan tepung gandum (ayak)
1 sudu teh baking powder (ayak)
1 sudu teh baking soda (ayak)
1 sudu besar jus limau nipis
1 sudu teh esen pisang
secubit garam

cara-caranya :-
1. Panaskan oven pada suhu 185C dan api atas bawah.
2. sediakan pisang 4 segi (8x8). griskan dengan mentega dan alas dengan kertas minyak.
3. dalam blender, kisar minyak,gula,telur dan secubit garam. kisar sehingga putih (3-5 minit).
4. tuangkan bahan yang dikisar ke dalam mangkuk dan masukkan campuran tepung yang telah diayak. kacau perlahan dengan senduk kayu sehingga sebati.
5. akhir sekali masukkan pisang yang telah dilenyek, jus limau nipis dan esen pisang. Gaul sebati.
6. tuang ke dalam loyang dan bakar selama 40 minit atau hingga kek masak.
This recipe is so easy that I made two of this yummy cake. awesome cake to share with neighbors too! 🙈 hope you like it!! teheee.
happy holidays everyone!!! be safe wherever you are!!


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