Kukkie's Wedding!!! + #4FutureReferences : Loaded Carrot Cake


Last Saturday was Kukkie's wedding on Kuya's side in Raub, Pahang. The journey was superr long and tiring especially for Ayah as he is the only driver trusted by all to drive on those winding country road. Above all, all of us enjoyed the journey as we got to spend quality time together! To get to Raub, we used secret short-cuts (not secret anymore hehe) our neighbour told us. Thanks to the shortcuts, we get to stopped-by Cameron Highlands. Yeayy!!
We had so much joy to be back in Cameron Highlands. We used to visit Cameron Highlands as often as possible. (There is a post about our previous stay in Cameron Highlands! Here.) As usual, we stopped at Cameron Valley Tea Tea House for scones and tea!! Ayah loveee Carrot Cake there. 
As we can hardly get there, I think I need to recreate those carrot cake for Ayah' sake. LOL. Plus, Mama requested Carrot Cake on the way back. Thank you, Azie Kitchen for the yummy carrot cake recipe!!!! The recipe is simple but the cake turns out fluffy and scrumptious. I did double the walnuts in the recipe as Ayah prefer his cake loaded with nuts and fruits. Also, the recipe calls for raisins but I don't like raisins, so I opt for citrus peel instead. The combination of citrus peel and spicy cinnamon flavor is a match!
Resepi Kek Lobak Merah
Source : Azie Kitchen
Loyang 9x9x3inch

1 1/4 cawan minyak jagung
4 biji telur
120 gram gula kastor
120 gram gula perang
250 gram tepung gandum
1 sudu kecil baking soda
1/4 sudu kecil garam
1/4 sudu kecil serbuk kayu manis
1 cawan walnut - panggang seketika dan cincang kasar
2 cawan lobak merah - parut kasar
1 cawan kismis - *I use citrus peel instead.

1. Pukul telur dan gula sehingga kembang. Masukkan minyak dan putar lagi.
2. Ayak dan satukan tepung gandum, serbuk kayu manis, baking soda dan garam. Masukkan sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam adunan sambil terus diputar.
3. Masukkan lobak merah, walnut dan kismis. Kacau rata dengan spatula sahaja.
4. Tuangkan ke dalam loyang yang digris dan dilapik dengan baking paper. Bakar selama 45 minit pada suhu 180C.

My mom insisted to have carrot cake without cream cheese topping. Now, I have a block of cream cheese that I don't know what to do with 😭. Please do not get bad until Aidiladha, please! I need to go back to Ipoh tomorrow morning already.

Hi Kukkie! 
If you are reading this, Selamat Pengantin Baru!! I am super happy for you and Kuya! We are still adjusting though to call Kuya 'abang' as Ayah asked. Haha.
May Allah shower both of you with His Blessings and Happiness!!
p/s: Aliana next!😝

Bye!!! xoxo


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