#4FutureReferences : The Best Roti Naan Cheese Ever!!


Happy 13 Ramadan. Alhamdulillah, iftar today was awesome but deep inside, I am super sad because my kakak will go back to KL tomorrow. Huhu. I am utterly blessed that I have three amazing sisters.😊. Today, we made pizza and roti naan for iftar. Mom requested pizza but dad want Roti Naan.So, we decided to make both pizza and roti naan. Hoho. This Roti Naan recipe is definitely a keeper! Big thank you to Suhaiza Js.

I have been using this recipe for millions of times already. This flatbread turned out super fluffy and yummy. I never look back ever since. This probably be the only roti naan cheese recipe I will use. Plus, the ingredients were super easy and mostly readily available in the kitchen. Let's just brag about this recipe a bit, my picky + diva sister, Anis requested to have this flatbread all the time, not to forget my dad too! Everyone loves it. Alhamdulillah.

The Best Roti Naan Cheese Ever
source : Suhaiza Js (adapted from here)

300 g tepung gandum
1 1/2 st yis
2 sb gula
1 st baking powder
3 sb minyak
sedikit garam
100 ml susu segar suam 
cheese (mozarella/cheddar)

Cara Penyediaan :-

1. Campur yis +1 sudu besar gula + sedikit air suam. Rehatkan 5-7 minit smpai berbuih.

2. Dalam mangkuk lain, satukan tepung + yis + garam + baki gula + baking powder + minyak. Gaulkan.

3. Buat lubang di tengah dan masukkan campuran yis dan susu. Uli sehingga membentuk doh. Rehatkan 40 minit atau sehingga doh kembang.

4. Bahagikan doh yang dah kembang tadi kepada 6. Penyet-penyetkan 😋 dan letakkan cheese. 
5. Bulat-bulatkan balik dan buat smpai habis. Dah ready nak masak, sila canaikan. 

6. Panaskan non-stick pan dan masak roti atas api perlahan.
7. Balik-balikkan dah siap. Yeay!
NOTE: The recipe calls for 100ml of warm milk. In my case, I did not use all. I only use more or less about 80ml. I added the warm milk slowly bit by bit until the dough is slightly tacky but not sticking to our hand 🙆.

Alhamdulillah. As for today, we served our roti naan with gulai kambing and gulai ayam. I prefer gulai kambing better. Nyumsss. Oh and one more thing though, preferably, use cheddar cheese slices. It taste better and wayy easier to handle when rolling them into ball. Hehe. Just my two cents!

13 Ramadan.


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