Random + #4FutureReferences : Fudgy Brownies


If you are reading this, which I know you don't. I pray that you are healthy and happy!!! I look forward to catch up with you some day soon and we go eat + lepak, okay! ~ reminiscing good old days. 😝

Last weekend, I went home with Kukkie to settle some wedding thingy. It was short but productive weekend! As usual, people at home will request something for me to make. Hehe. This time, Anis requested brownies. 
I was too busy hence no proper picture but still need to put it up here for future references. This recipe is from Masam Manis. Thank you for the yummy recipe! The brownies should be wrinkly but I skipped some step (mixing the egg with sugar part),😈 so my brownies don't have wrinkles.

Brownies Kedut
Source: Masam Manis

Bahan - Bahan:

400 gm coklat masakan / coklat compound
150 gm unsalted butter
100 gm gula perang
100 gm gula kastor
4 biji telur ~ gred A
1 sudu kecil esen vanila
100 gm tepung naik sendiri
30 gm serbuk koko


1. Panaskan oven 160C dan lengserkan loyang 10x10 dan alaskan dengan baking paper.
2. Satukan coklat masakan dan butter. Cairkan dengan menggunakan kaedah double boiler. Ketepikan.
3. Dalam mangkuk lain, satukan gula perang, gula kastor, telur dan esen vanila. Kacau menggunakan whisk sehingga sebati sahaja.
4. Masukkan adunan telur (3) ke dalam coklat. Kacau sebati.
5. Masukkan tepung dan serbuk koko yang telah diayak. Gaul rata.
6. Masukkan ke dalam loyang dan bakar selama 30 minit atau sehingga masak. 
Food like this is great for snacking in the car and bekal from rumah for fellow roommates too! 😜 Hope you like it, sisterss.

Take care, everyone!!



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