#4FutureReferences : Brownies Keduts!
Yeay!! I finished my paper last week and managed to catch the earliest train to go back home soon after teheee.. As per usual my semester break will always be filled with never-ending lists of things to do. I got back on Monday evening and my twin sister, Anis got to go through operation on Tuesday morning. I was sooo emotional when she was in the operation theatre that I cried the whole 2 hours she was in! haha. She had a minor surgery to remove ganglion cyst near her palm. Alhamdulillah everything went well. So this added up to my to-do list, it was my pleasure to take care of my sister, helping her clean herself and accompanying her to doctor's office for follow-ups.
Oh and one more thing, Acu was admitted too when I was having my final examination. I was only told when I got home. Get well soon, Acu 💓. So, my family was so busy as bee back-to-back visiting and taking care of Acu at the hospital as well. Nevertheless, my sister, Anis requested this brownies upon watching it on tv. So, here it is!
I tried this recipe I found from instagram. Thank you Miss, @nurui_pan! Your brownies recipe's was a hit! The brownies turn out chewy and got that signature brownies wrinkle that I looked for from brownies recipe! Thank you again!!
Brownies Keduts
source : Instagram page @nurui_pan
Loyang 9"
225g dark chocolate compound
90g butter
45g minyak masak
*Cairkan secara double boiler
200g tepung gandum
40g susu tepung
55g serbuk koko
*Campurkan dan ayak
3 biji telur
220g gula kastor
3 sudu kecil esen vanila
choc chips, choc button atau choc chunks untuk tabur
1. Gris loyang dan lapik dengan baking paper.
2. Panaskan oven pada suhu 180C.
3. Pukul bahan C dengan hand whisk hingga gula larut.
4. Campurkan bahan A dan gaul rata.
5. Masukkan pula bahan B dan gaul rata.
6. Tuang adunan ke dalam loyang dan tabur chocs (bahan D).
7. Bakar selama 30 minit atau sehingga masak.
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hehe..no proper picture because my sister cannot wait she waited right in front of the oven while the brownies was baking. So soon after the brownies was done she wanted to eat! 💆 |
1. MUST USE DARK CHOCOLATE COMPOUND. I tried using Dark Cooking Chocolate because I was in a rush and can only found cooking chocolate at the normal grocery store. If I were to use cooking chocolate the taste was a bit bland and not as rich as if I used dark chocolate compound.
2. As for my oven I need to bake this brownies for 38 minutes instead of 30 minutes. If not, the brownies is too fudgy that it stick to the baking paper.
3. Next time, I wanted to reduce the amount of sugar a bit. Hehe. My mother prefer it less sweet even to my preferences, it was a bit too sweet.
4. Next time, I want to put nuts! But, when my sisters are not at home. They hate nuts but I love nuts 😤
Stay safe everyone!!!! The Coronavirus outbreak is scary 😰. Remember to wash your hands properly and wear face mask correctly! (white in, blue out)
Take care!! Bye!! xoxo
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