#4FutureReferences : Buttery Vanilla Chocolate Rice Cake!!
I was studying for pbl case study, but then my internet connection was legit strong and fast-speed today. Hehe. I just entered my fourth semester Monday last week. Things are getting tougher that at times I felt like giving up 😢. Thinking of it again, I realised my parents raised their daughter to be strong-willed and not to give up!! I have to keep going 💪💪 *remember we got hutang to pay geng!
Whenever my parents have guest or feel like eating cakes, they can just pull out one, unwrap and enjoy! Alhamdulillah. Eventhough, I gambled not knowing what gonna happen whether or not this recipe is going to work, this cake comes out awesome!! Everything was nice, not so sweet and even though I use half butter and oil, the cake was indeed very buttery. It was moist too! 😊
Buttery Vanilla Chocolate Rice Cake
Loyang 9x9x3"
5 biji telur Gred A
160gm gula kastor
1 sudu besar ovallete
200gm susu pekat manis
1 sudu teh esen vanila
100gm mentega cair - cairkan dulu baru timbang
100gm minyak jagung
300gm tepung gandum
1 sudu teh baking powder
secubit garam
3/4 cawan chocolate rice
Pewarna kuning - optional
1. Satukan telur,gula dan ovallete dalam mangkuk pengadun. Pukul sehingga putih dan kembang.
2. Masukkan pula susu pekat, garam dan esen vanilla. Pukul lagi sehingga sebati.
3. Masukkan mentega cair dan minyak jagung. Pukul sebati.
4.Masukkan tepung gandum dan baking powder yang telah diayak. Kaup balik dengan spatula sehingga rata dan sebati.
5. Masukkan beberapa titis pewarna jika mahu dan masukkan chocolate rice. Gaul rata.
6. Masukkan adunan ke dalam loyang yang telah digris dengan mentega dan dilapik dengan baking
7. Bakar pada suhu 170C selama 1 jam atau sehingga masak.
8. Sejukkan dan boleh dihidang!
I pray that The Almighty will take care of my parents and make them happy as always, Amin!! Okay that is it. I need to study for tomorrow's PBL case study. Be right back, talk to you later! 💗
Bye!!! xoxo
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