#4FutureReferences: Fluffy Roti Manis!


Welcome back to my semester break rambles! Hehe. I got a week left before I started new semester 😢 that I need to make full use of.  Last week, I attended a baking class held by a nearby Kolej Komuniti. It was good! I enrolled for a bread class. There were many other classes like baking class for cakes, brownies and congo bars, yee mee and mi kuning class, fish cake and fish ball making, bomboloni class, pau class and many more!! I found it very interesting and I wanted to join all but some of the classes was held on the same day and only on Saturday every week.

I joined bread making class because I think unlike other baked goods (ie. cakes and cookies), bread making need extra knowledge and skill that I cannot get from reading and watching videos only. I am the testimoni myself, though. Hahaha. This is because before I went to the class, I got very limited knowledge (ie. what is the best flour to use bla3) and the techniques! But now, I am more confident with the knowledge and skills I got and most importantly, after attending the class, my bread turns out better and fluffy just like the store-bought one!! 😍 Alhamdulillahh.
So, to test my skills 😝, I tried a recipe I found on Instagram (@ummikitchen88). As claimed, the bread turns out light and fluffy! In the original recipe, the bread was served plain as is, just like a dinner roll/potato bun. My mom requested chicken floss bun and my sister, Aliana wanted pandan bun. So, I added topping and fillings accordingly. I also changed the method because the recipe uses bread maker which I don't have. I uses the method that I learned from the class and it works!
Roti Manis
source : Instagram page @ummikitchen88
Makes 10 buns

Bahan-bahan :

300gm tepung roti ( I used Diamond flour)
50gm gula kastor
25gm susu pekat/ susu tepung (I used susu pekat)
10gm tepung jagung
10gm tepung ubi kayu
3gm garam
50gm majerin
5gm yis
200ml (1 biji telur + air)

Chicken floss 
1 sudu besar mayonis + 2 sudu teh susu pekat manis
Inti pandan/kaya/red bean ( I used Dauyong Pandan)

Cara-cara :

1. Satukan dan ayak tepung roti,tepung jagung dan tepung ubi kayu.
2. Masukkan yis, gula kastor dan garam ke dalam mangkuk tepung tadi. Gaul sebati.
3. Masukkan dan larutkan susu pekat ke dalam campuran telur dan air.
4. Tuang campuran susu ke dalam tepung dan gaul/uli sehingga membentuk doh.
5. Masukkan majerin dan uli lagi sehingga doh elastik dan licin.
6. Tutup dengan kain lembap dan biar kembang selama 30-45 minit.
7. Tumbuk doh dan bahagi doh. ( For me, I made 5 (70g) chicken floss bun and 5 (50g) pandan).
8. Kalau taknak letak filling, bulat-bulatkan doh, letakkan dalam loyang dan biar kembang sekali lagi selama 30 minit.
9. Untuk chicken floss, canai doh letakkan mayonis dekat tengah dan gulung. Susun dekat dalam acuan tu dan biar kembang sekali lagi selama 30 minit.
10. Setelah kembang, sapukan telur dan bakar pada suhu 170C selama 17-20 minit.
11. Sejurus keluar dari oven, sapukan campuran mayonis dan susu pekat dan tabur chicken floss.
12. Kalau buat kosong atau inti lain (pandan/reb bean/kaya) sapukan majerin semasa masih panas.
For the chicken floss, I put the mayonaise and sweetened condensed milk inspired by my mom's favourite Flossy Buns. Those with orange packaging and it tastes exactly the same!😗 Bingo!
And one more thing! I used Dauyong Pandan Paste which is actually a moon cake filling. It tastes like bean filling with pandan flavour. Sedap!! And honestly, the bread will be a bit dry the next day even if I put in airtight container but don't fret!! I steamed the bun for 4-5 minutes and dia jadi gebu and lembut balikk 😋. So, just reheat to enjoy because they are best served warm.

Happy Trying!! Bye!! xoxo


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