#4FutureReferences : Red Velvet Cake
Hii !
This time I tried a red velvet cake recipe from Eny Abdullah. Thank you for this awesome recipe! Indeed, the cake was fluffier, the cake crumbs was nice and yummy! The best red velvet cake recipe so far. Thank you again!
Also, I really wanted to try this Peach and Passion Fruit Black Tea. Honest review, I did not expect the peach and passion fruit flavor to be that strong but the tea still tasted nice though. 3 out of 5. If you had tasted Sunquick Tropical Fruit, this tea have a similar taste.
I tried to play cool and drink it unsweetened. It was nice. Boleh laa. If you like trying out new flavors, try lah. Worth trying.
Kek Red Velvet Gebu
Sumber : Eny Abdullah
Bahan A
170 g mentega
150g gula kastor
3 biji telur
Bahan B (ayak sekali)
250g tepung naik sendiri**
1/2 sudu kecil baking soda
2 sudu besar serbuk koko
1/4 sudu kecil garam halus
Bahan C (campur dan sebatikan)
1 cawan buttermilk (3/4 cawan susu + 1/4 cawan heavy cream + 1 sudu besar cuka - kacau sebati dan biarkan 10 minit.)
2 sudu besar pewarna merah
1 sudu kecil esen vanila
**kalau takde stok tepung naik sendiri, try this 👉 250g tepung gandum + 3 1/2 sudu kecil baking powder - campur dan ayak 3 kali
Cara Penyediaan :-
Panaskan oven 160C. (in my case 180C).Gris loyang bulat 7 inci dan lapikkan dengan baking paper. Ketepikan.
Pukul mentega dan gula sehingga sebati dan kembang.
Masukkan telur sebiji demi sebiji sambil dipukul.
Masukkan Bahan B diselang seli dengan Bahan C. Masukkan sedikit demi sedikit dengan membahagi kepada 3 bahagian, mulakan dengan bahan kering dan akhiri dengan bahan kering.
Masukkan ke dalam loyang tadi dan bakar selama 40-45 minit atau sehingga masak.
Cream Cheese Frosting
350 g cream cheese
70g mentega
200g gula aising (diayak)
1 sudu kecil esen vanila
Cara Penyediaan :-
Satukan cream cheese dan mentega. Pukul sehingga sebati dan kembang.
Masukkan gula aising sedikit demi sedikit dengan kelajuan sederhana sehingga sebati. Jangan terlalu lama takut krim cair.
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